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1944           born in Amsterdam; lives en works in Amsterdam
1967-72      studies at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam

1973-80      working mainly as a graphic artist (zincographs and etchings)

1980-86      working on various multidisciplinary projects and installations
1980           Pictures of an exhibition 1. The pictures
1981-82      ATELIERBERICHTEN 1981 (Studio messages 1981)  
1984           installatie PROEFALARM 7.5.1984  (installation Test Alarm 7.5.1984)
1985           CAPRICCI

From 1986 working on video and media art projects:
1987/88      BULICAME
1989           PALINURO
1990           MISENO
1991/92      VULCANO EOLICO
1995           HET LIED VAN HYLAS (Hylas' Song)
1996/00      TERRA MORALE
1999/00      NOX UMIDA
1999/00      MALEBOLGE
2001           LEZINGEN VAN HET BLAUWE UUR (Versions of the Blue Hour)
2002/04      Bulicame-, Palinuro-, Miseno-, Vulcano Eolico - remixes for video projection
2007/11      NIET LANGER VAN LAND (Not from Land any Longer)
2009/15      DE K VAN SKYLLA (The C of Scylla) web version
2016/17      DE K VAN SKYLLA (The C of Scylla) as a typescript closet opera book

Unexecuted works / works still in progress: Faro Anteo since 1992; Dis Malebolge since 1996; Een Reis naar Cythera (A Travel to Cythera) since 1996; Nachtrivier (River of Night) since 2000; Oude Oceaan (Old Ocean) since 2007; Waar Honderd Ogen Gluren (Where Hundred Eyes are Peering), since 2009.

From february 2018 most of all working on: De K van Skylla as a video-opera and as a video-installation: the video song fantasy In Antro.

2018/19      DE DWAAS EN DE LETHE (The Fool and the Lethe) - video installation and video sculpture.
2018/19      IN UNDA (spin-off of Palinuro, also element of The Fool and the Lethe)
2018/19      IN LITORE (spin-off of Old Ocean)
2019           IN VORAGINE (spin-off of River of Night, also element of The Fool and the Lethe)
2019           ET IN ARCADIA (spin-off of A Travel to Cythera and Where Hundred Eyes are Peering)
2019           DE VAANDELS VAN DE HELLEKONING (The Banners of the King of Hell, spin-off of Dis Malebolge)

2019 Publication of the artist's book De K van Skylla (308 pages) in a limited edition of 150 copies
2020 Publication of De K van Skylla' in three parts at (self)publishing house BraveNewBooks; part 1 Étant donnés (60 pages), part 2 Those words of art (144 pages), part 3 Ipsa canas - zing zelf (120 pages) and part 1 and 2 in one book (204 pages)
2021 Publication of the artist's book De K van Skylla - door 100 holen zingend (De C of Scilla - through a 100 holes singing) (328 pages) as a realisation-oriented supplement.

2020           ET IN ARCADIA, EGO, video installation and video sculpture.
2020/21      HET LIED VAN HELENA NEAIRA (Helena Neaira's Song), video installation and video sculpture.

2021/24 Publication of the artist's book Et in Arcadia - Elissa's Gloed, concept en fantasie voor een muziektheaerstuk (in dutch '21); in English Et in Arcadia - Elissa's Glow, concept and fantasy for an operatic theater play ('24).

2024          DIDO's GLOW - HELENA NEAIRA's SONG, a reimaging of the video installation/sculpture 'Helena Neaira's song' (2021) for a one channel video projection.

In progress/preparation since 2024: the artist's books Et in Utopia - Sibylla's krochtige mond (Sibylla's cavernous mouth), Et in Utopia - Palinurus' rusteloze graf (Palinurus' unquiet grave) and Et in Utopia - Skylla's versteende schoot (Scilla's petrified womb); in dutch and in english.



Exhibitions and presentations videoworks:

1988           Galerie René Coelho/MonteVideo, Amsterdam
id                Galerie Anna Paulownahuis, Soestdijk
1989           Galerie René Coelho/MonteVideo, Amsterdam
1990           IMAGO, Fin de Siècle in Dutch Contemporary Art, Kunst-RAI, Amsterdam
id                Galerie Anna Paulownahuis, Soestdijk
id                Centro Leonardo da Vinci, Maccagno (Italy)
id                'Video Art Plastique', Hérouville Saint-Clair (France)
1991           Galerie René Coelho/MonteVideo, Amsterdam
id                Slovenska Vyfvarna Unia, Bratislawa (Slovakia)
id                'Schau mir in die Augen', Kassel (Germany)
id                Mücsarnok, Boedapest (Hungary)
id                La Virreina, Barcelona (Spain)
1992           Edificio da Alfandega de Porto (Portugal)
id                Galerie René Coelho/MonteVideo, Amsterdam
id                World Expo 92, Sevilla (Spain)
1993           'Monitor 93', Frölunda Kulturhus - Göteborgs  Konstmuseum (Sweden)
id                Hara Arc Museum Shibukawa/Gunma-ken (Japan)
id                National Museum of Comtemporary Art, Taipeh (Taiwan)
1994           Lucas Hospital, Amsterdam, as a cooperative project by MonteVideo and Amsterdam Art Fund Foundation
1996           Kunstkanaal (Art Channel) Amsterdam C, Hilversum C
2000           Kunstkanaal (Art Channel) Amsterdam C, Rotterdam C,
id                Retrospective exhibition (Jan-Feb) in The Netherlands Media Art Institute Montevideo/TBA, Amsterdam
id                'Safra, Arte Contemporanea da Holanda', Palácio D.Manuel/Galeria Teoartis, -Évora (Portugal)
2001           ‘Het Blauwe Uur - een diluviaanse herinnering', (voorm.) Synagoge Uilenburg, Amsterdam
2005           'CRYSALIS, Biennale d'arte contemporanea', Castello Svevo di Bari and Castello Svevo di Trani (Italy)
2006           ‘Identity’, De Oude Kerk, Amsterdam
2007           ‘To transfer, to transform’, Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst, Amsterdam
2011           ‘Niet Langer van Land - in litore, in unda’, galerie D.J. de Boer, Amsterdam
2013           ‘Conservation and Restauration of New Media Art', LIMA, Amsterdam
id                Jilhava International Documentary Film Festival, Jilhava (Tsjechië)
2016           Videopresentation, Le Maupas A.I.R., Sussey (Frankrijk) (www.lemaupas.eu)
2019          ‘De tak, de poort, de dwaas en de Lethe, galerie D.J. de Boer, Amsterdam
2021          ‘Het Lied van Helena Neaira', Nardinclant-Amsterdam Garden, Laren, Nature and Aesthetics, Redefined.
2024          ‘Dido's Glow - Helena Neaira's Song', Gulf of Naples IFF, Naples (Italy), Special Mention Award.



Jan Hein Sassen, exhibition cat. 'Capricci'  (1985)
Ole Bouman 'Nadenken op de plecht'  in: De Groene Amsterdammer vol.113 nr.50 (1989)
Maurice Nio 'Palinuro, the desertion of a helmsman'  in: Mediamatic vol.5 nr.1 & 2. (1990)
Evert Rodrigo 'Beelden stromen' and Astrid Gerrits 'Wakend in de nacht'
in: Nederlandse Kunst, Rijksaankopen (1990), cat. Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst (1991)
Nol de Koning (i.c.w. M.Istha and W.van Klaveren), exhibition cat. 'Terra Morale, Malebolge  (2000)
Cornel Bierens 'Bewondering maakt blind'  in: Cultureel Supplement NRC Handelsblad 4-2-00 (CS 1517) (2000)
Terra Morale: natuur, mythe en moraliteit' ; article website NIMk, Amsterdam
Annika Räim, Bin Li 'PALINURO - Case study report of Workshop Conservation of New Media Art', University of Amsterdam (2013)



> Bulicame   > Palinuro   > Miseno   > Palinuro and Miseno   > Vulcano Eolico
> Hylas' Song   > Nox Umida   > Malebolge   > Versions of the Blue Hour
> Terra Morale   > The C of Scylla (i.p.)  > Old Ocean (i.p.)
> Not from Land any Longer (i.p.)  > remaining projects (i.p.)

> The C of Scylla, web- and closetopera (i.p.) > In Antro (i.p.) > The Fool and the Lethe (i.b.)

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