De K van Skylla, deel 1,2,3 (2017/19)

De K van Skylla, supplement (17/20)







(1) Connolly's speculative conclusions

'Whether he (Palinurus, ndk) deliberately tried to abandon Aeneas, whether he was the innocent victim of divine vengeance or a melancholy and resentful character who felt his special nautical gift was soon to become unwanted cannot be deduced from the evidence. His bluff sailor's manner may belie his real state of mind.'

'I (Connolly. ndk) am inclined to rule out both suicide (there are no symptoms comparable to those of Dido when she felt all nature prompting her to the deed) and accident, for the sterns of ships do not fall off in calm seas. We are left, therefore, with design—a planned act of escape and revenge by Palinurus—or with supernatural intervention, in the shape of a propitiatory sacrifice of the Pilot to Juno, who might otherwise have prevented the safe arrival of Aeneas and his whole expedition.'

'Which of these alternatives we accept is, in the fast analysis, a question of the claims of reason versus those of revealed religion.'

' As a myth, however, and particularly as a myth with a valuable psychological interpretation, Palinurus cleariy stands for a certain will-to-failure or repugnance-to-success, a desire to give up at the last moment, an urge towards loneliness, isolation and obscurity. Palinurus, in spite of his great ability and his conspicuous public position, deserted his post on the moment of victory and opted for the unknown shore.'

'With the sea—age-old symbol of the unconscious—his relations were always close and harmonious, and not until he reaches land is he miserably done to death.'

C. Connolly, The Unquiet Grave,  p 137-38


(2) The narrative gap

Following Connolly's conclusion that Palinurus deserted his post, for me there is one important question: did he really opt for an unknown shore?

Or - key question of The C of Scylla - did he have a certain, secret ultimate destination for a particular mission, while he was paddling with his tiller on the broken stern?


(3) Inspiration and rational interpretation

I (ndk) agree with Connolly's view that the case involving Palinurus' death is a question of claims of reason versus those of revealed religion - but than reason and religion not as two opposite elements, but as a fusion between reason and religion as a revealed myth. The need also to be recepitive to the whisperings of the Muses - as Hesiod, Virgil and also pious Dante did.

In that case it is plausible that Connolly's different speculations about the death of Palinurus are not opposing presumptions but explanations which supplement eachother. He deliberately abandoned Aeneas for melancholic and resentful reasons, but at the same time he was also the innocent victim of the supernatural intervention by divine vengeance.


fot the summery of the closet drama De K van Skylla: 'Étant donnés' (part 1) (Dutch only) >uit_boek_DKVS_deel_1_9-13.pdf

for the selected chapter 'Hondewacht 3 - Phoibe' ( De K van Skylla. part 2) (Dutch only) >uit_boek_DKVS_deel_2cptslct01.pdf

for the selected chapter 'Dagwacht 3 - Phoibos' ( De K van Skylla. part 2) (Dutch only) >uit_boek_DKVS_deel_2cptslct02.pdf

for the selected chapter 'Voormiddagwacht - Thanatos; par. 'En passent')( De K van Skylla. part 2) (Dutch only) >uit_boek_DKVS_deel_2cptslct03.pdf

for the selected chapter 'Voormiddagwacht - Thanatos; par. 'Epiloog' ( De K van Skylla. part 2) (Dutch only) >uit_boek_DKVS_deel_2cptslct04.pdf


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